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Start Your Worker Safety Journey with Industry 4.0
  • Portable Gas Detection Portable Gas Detection
Industry 4.0, it a digitalisation and technology journey where you can navigate to the edge and future of safety. While the journey might be overwhelming, MSA and Safety io are here to guide you in this process. Join the journey with us!

In the fourth industrial revolution, improvements in safety, both in practice and equipment, stem from the availability of good information. The ability to analyse and review historic logged data and extract actionable information to reduce risk and improve workplace safety, is transformative.  But translating that into tangible learnings and improved safety outcomes is not always easy. 

Health and Safety is a top priority for many companies. Great results have been achieved on safeguarding workers and worker sites in the past years, however, there is still room for improvements. According to the International Labour Organisation “Every year millions of workers still die from occupational accidents or suffer from non-fatal occupational accidents.

Thankfully, technology is helping to create more effective safety solutions and bringing relevant opportunities to significantly improve safety outcomes. MSA Safety io are offering a free webinar How to Start Your Worker Safety Journey in the Industry 4.0. that focuses on technological advances in the Industry 4.0, and how those advances can improve worker safety in your facility.

Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution and it is characterised by the availability of huge quantity of data collected via sensors and devices and the connectivity of those devices with the cloud, where all the information is centralised. Though effectively analysing of the collected data to have invaluable insights and an actionable plan that brings results, is challenging.

Our webinar will focus on how Industry 4.0 affects safety workers, but most importantly will provide the guidance to help you take the first steps and transform your company safety program using the data you have in hand.

MSA in its 100 years market presence, has always been committed to finding the best safety solutions. With the creation of the Safety io company, MSA’s does not only provide world class hardware, but also connectivity and software as a service that together are a complete safety solution for the Industry 4.0.

Take the first steps into the industry 4.0. Improve your safety outcomes. Click here and subscribe for the webinar.

The Webinar will be on March 4th, 2020.

References in this text:
1. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---safework/documents/publication/wcms_678357.pdf