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Thank you for joining us for our first Online FGFD Channel Partner Summit
It was great having our channel partners attend the first online channel partner summit. Links to the Summit presentations and recordings are now available.

Thank you to all who could join us on our first online FGFD Channel Partner Summit. We hope that you gain helpful information from the event. We appreciated having a great interactive session with our esteemed Channel Partners and received very positive feedback during and after this event.  

We look forward to seeing you again in the second online FGFD Summit (H2) held on Oct 4th at 10:00 MYT/SGT time. Don’t miss to register and save time on your agenda by clicking HERE. 


In case you have missed our first Summit and would like to know more, please click on the below link to access our VIDEO RECORDING and/or slide deck PDF of the session!


Click here, to see what your customers are receiving this month.