MSA article featured in Construction Business Owner Magazine's June issue
Air-Purifying Respirators
Portable Gas Detection
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing
Fall Protection
Construction Business Owner Magazine's June issue focused on our favorite topic: safety. MSA's article, "The Highest Priority: Fall Protection, Understanding the New ANSI Standard for Fall Arrest and Rescue Systems" was featured. What's more? MSA products were showcased on the cover!

About the article: "The Highest Priority: Fall Protection, Understanding the New ANSI Standard for Fall Arrest and Rescue Systems" addresses the recently updated standard, ANSI/ASSE Z359.14-2012 Self-Retracting Devices (SRDs) for Personal Fall Arrest and Rescue Systems; a standard encompassing the performance, design, qualification testing, markings, instructions, inspections, maintenance, storage and removal from service of SRDs, also includes standards for self-retracting lanyards (SRLs), as well as SRLs with integral rescue capability (SRL-R) or leading-edge capability (SRL-LE).
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About the cover: The Thermatek® Harness and Thermatek Energy-Absorbing Lanyard from MSA were featured on the cover.

About the magazine: Construction Business Owner is "The Business Management Magazine for Contractors." It is designed to help owners and managers of small construction companies run their businesses better. Topics include sales, accounting, finance, banking relationships, insurance, regulatory issues, human resources, bidding strategies, and informative statistics regarding construction activity across the nation.
About the author's: MSA's Rob Senko, Product Line Manager, Fall Protection, Kimberly Lewis and Trish Luedtke, Marketing Copy Writers, contributed to "The Highest Priority: Fall Protection, Understanding the New ANSI Standard for Fall Arrest and Rescue Systems".
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