Don't Miss "Stirring Up Silica Dust" Article
Air-Purifying Respirators
This informative article appeared in ISHN Magazine’s August 2013 issue and was penned by MSA Associates.

About this article: Natural gas hydraulic fracturing is now commonplace in the United States. However, processes associated with this "fracking" are likely to expose workers to airborne silica dust. This articles discusses those hazards as well as federal regulatory action and recommendations for those workers who risk silica dust overexposure.
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About ISHN: ISHN is a business-to-business monthly trade publication targeted at 71,400 key safety, health and industrial hygiene buying influencers at manufacturing facilties of all sizes.
Stirring Up Silica Dust--High-Pressure Hydraulic Fracking Poses Silica Exposures was written by Dennis Capizzi, MSA Outbound Product Line Manager - Respiratory Protection and Thermal Imaging Cameras, and Leslie Mitchell, MSA Marketing Copywriter.
This information is also available as a White Paper, ID 1000-75, Hydraulic Fracking; Silica Exposure Risk for Natural Gas Workers.