V-Gard® GREEN: A Helmet That Protects More Than Your Head
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing
MSA Launches the World’s First GREEN Protective Helmet in North America. Manufactured from plant-base material, it helps reduce environmental impact.

For the first time, construction workers and industrial professionals have a sustainable choice in head protection, the V-Gard® GREEN protective helmet from MSA.
Unlike conventional hard hats that are manufactured from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sourced from nonrenewable petrochemicals, the MSA V-Gard GREEN Helmet is manufactured using "green" high-density polyethylene (GHDPE), a biopolymer made from sugarcane-based ethanol. GHDPE is a renewable resource since sugarcane growth exceeds the rate of harvest.
Just like market-leading, traditional V-Gard Helmets, V-Gard GREEN Protective Helmets meet MSA's rigorous performance requirements as well as those defined by ANSI Z89.1 and CSA Z94.1 - the head protection standard that provides performance and test requirements for industrial helmets.
For more information on this revolutionary new product.
Contact your local MSA Distributor for ordering information.
For additional information, please visit our website or call MSA Customer Service Center 1-800-MSA-2222.