Article Featured on Cover of IPP&T Magazine
Air-Purifying Respirators
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
"Protecting Ethylene Facilities" was featured as IPP&T's cover story in the November/December issue. To learn more, read further...

About the Article: Driven largely by increased global production of shale gas, North American ethylene producers have become more profitable, with cost positions that approach those of the lowest cost producers in the Middle East. As ethane prices have decreased relative to naphtha over the last ten years, ethane-based ethylene production has been on the rise. Major capacity additions in the U.S. Gulf Coast and the U.S. Northeast near the Marcellus deposit, in turn, have prompted renewed interest into the best way to protect the requisite infrastructure.
In this artice, we review several technologies for ethylene detection and traditional catalytic, point and open path infrared detection, and ultrasonic gas leak detection are compared.
About IPP&T: IPP&T -Industrial Process Products & Technology is Canada's progressive magazine for processors. IPP&T addresses the process products and technology information needs of more than 23,000 process engineers, managers, consultants, purchasing agents and R&D personnel.
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