Don't Miss "Don't Be Deceived; Confined Space Hazards Escalate Quickly" in ISHN's January Issue
Air-Purifying Respirators
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About the Article: Confined spaces can quickly become dangerous; unknown concentrations of toxic fumes or an oxygen deficient environment can prove deadly and should be avoided. However, if entry is a must, in order to protect workers from such hazards, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) established regulations for safe entry into these "Permit-Required Confined Spaces." This article addresses those regulations
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About ISHN: ISHN is a business-to-business monthly trade publication targeted at 71,400 key safety, health and industrial hygiene buying influencers at manufacturing facilities of all sizes.
"Don't Be Deceived; Confined Space Hazards Escalate Quickly," was written by Dennis Capizzi, Outbound Product Line Manager, Respiratory Protection and Thermal Imaging Cameras, MSA.