Taking iNTELLIGENCE to the Next Level
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
The new GASSONIC OBSERVER-i Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector will set a new global industry standard in intelligent, highly reliable, ultrasonic gas leak detection with unprecedented suppression of false alarms.
From the pioneers in ultrasonic gas leak detection, the GASSONIC OBSERVER-i, the most intelligent gas detector in the market, will be available for order soon.
By incorporating Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technology into the detector's "brain," the GASSONIC OBSERVER-i distinguishes real gas leaks from nuisance alarms without requiring any in-field training. Potentially catastrophic gas leaks can be detected instantaneously without gas having to come into contact with a sensing element. It simply "hears" the leak. Take your safety to the next level with the GASSONIC OBSERVER-i.
Stay tuned for further information on the availability of the GASSONIC OBSERVER-i Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector.