MSA Product Managers Share Their Expertise in CoatingsPro Magazine's Annual Safety Supplement
Supplied-Air Respirators
Air-Purifying Respirators
Portable Gas Detection
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing

About CoatingsPro Magazine: CoatingsPro is the high-performance coatings industry’s leading magazine for up-to-date information on products, services, tips, and techniques.
About the Issue: Safety is the number one priority on all coatings jobs. According to OSHA, it is the employers' responsibility to fit and train employees on use, care and service life of all PPE. In this Special Safety Supplement of CoatingsPro Magazine, MSA Product Line Managers reiterate the importance of being properly protected in coatings jobs and related application.
View Special Safety Supplement to CoatingsPro in its entirety
MSA Product Line Managers (PLMs) contributed to the special issue:
Dennis Capizzi, PLM, Respiratory Protection, warns against the consequences of not being protected by proper respiratory equipment. MSA has a wide range of NIOSH-approved respirators as well as training materials on the proper creation and implementation of a Respiratory Protective Program.
John Raimondi, PLM, Portable Gas Detection, discusses confined spaces and the need for gas monitoring. He provides an overview of portable gas detection options for the coatings industry including: ALTAIR® 4X, ALTAIR 5X and Sirius® Multigas Detectors.

Sue Pingree, PLM, Head, Eye, Face, Hearing and Communications, provides an overview of the world's first protective helmet shell produced from renewable resources -- MSA V-Gard® GREEN. Also featured was the new Fas-Trac® III Suspension that improves comfort, retention and stability.