Thanks to ASSE 2014 Attendees for choosing the MSA Galaxy® GX2 Automated Test System
Portable Gas Detection

Attendees at American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Safety 2014 had a chance to check out cutting edge safety products at ISHN's booth and vote on their favorites.
The votes have been tallied and Safety 2014 attendees determined that MSA's Galaxy® GX2 Automated Test System with MSA LinkPro™ Software was the fan favorite in the "Industrial Hygiene - 4/5 Sensor Multigas Portables" category. Winners will appear in the July issue of ISHN.
The GALAXY GX2 Automated Test System provides simple, intelligent testing and calibration of MSA ALTAIR® and ALTAIR PRO Single-Gas Detectors and ALTAIR 4X and ALTAIR 5X Multigas Detectors.
Consideration and voting were based on the following criteria:
- Product must have launched on or after January 1, 2012.
- Entries must be submitted online between October 1, 2013 and February 1, 2014.
- Entrant must exhibit at ASSE Safety 2014 to participate in Attendee Choice Awards.