GlobalSpec Oil & Gas Virtual Tradeshow
Portable Gas Detection
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
Thank you for stopping by MSA's booth during GlobalSpec's Virtual Oil & Gas Tradeshow. We invite you to explore a few of our newest products.

ALTAIR® 2XP Gas Detector - Delivers the world's first stand-alone bump test, eliminating the need for bottled gas and accessories.

ALTAIR 2X Gas Detector Augmented Reality App - provides a detailed overview of the ALTAIR 2X. Explore the inside of the detector; see key product features; link to product videos and literature; and learn about XCell® Pulse Technology.
To download our FREE App:
iTunes App Store (iOS):
Google Play Store (Android): to link to the iTunes or Google Play pages from our website

Fas-Trac® III Helmet Suspension - Use with market-leading MSA helmets; improves comfort, retention and stability.
To learn more about MSA's Portable Gas Detectors, Fixed Gas and Flame Detection systems, or other MSA safety products, please visit our website at or