You Can Make the World a Better Place...One V-Gard® Hard Hat Picture at a Time!
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing

MSA announces a new social media contest with a purpose: "V-Gards around the World." The contest is simple: share photos of MSA V-Gard Helmets and be entered for a chance to win one of three $1,000 donations to the charity of your choice -- in your name!
It's easy! Just post your V-Gard pictures from around the World on the MSA Facebook page - #MSAlove - and if your picture is chosen, you'll help to make the world a better place!
Winners will be chosen at random and submissions are unlimited, so the more images you post, the better your odds of winning. Contest ends August 22, 2014 at 5 PM EST.
To view contest rules, CLICK or view: