Earplugs: Proper Fit Provides Ultimate Comfort and Protection
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing
Disposable earplugs are a good economical option; they are designed to be used for a short period of time - typically no more than a week - and then thrown away. However, disposables can be tricky to correctly insert.
In most instances, earplugs will have the highest noise reduction rating (NRR) of any hearing protection device, but only if fitted correctly. To ensure you obtain the correct (NRR), training on proper use is recommended.
The Roll Down Method
The “Roll Down” method is recommended for proper insertion into the ear canal. The plug should be rolled down to compress the earplug into a thin cylinder shape. Next, simply lift the pinna (upper portion of the ear) and insert the earplug. Once the earplug is properly inserted, the material will expand and fill the ear canal for protection.
To ensure proper insertion and to subjectively test NRR, press firmly cupped hands over the ears while listening to a steady noise. With properly fitted plugs, the noise levels should seem nearly the same whether or not the ears are covered. If the earplug is pushed improperly into ear canal, it will likely be squashed into the entrance of the ear canal or expand outward from the ear canal entrance, providing little to no protection. If this happens, remove the plug, re-compress and try again.

Did you hear?!
MSA offers a new line of comfortable and disposable earplugs made from polyurethane foam with a conical shape. The new plugs are offered in containers of 200 disposable plugs with and without cords. Contact MSA customer service at 1-800-672-2222 for more information on how to get your earplugs today!