Ultima® OPIR-5 Open Path Gas Detector Alignment Overview Video
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection

New! Ultima OPIR-5 Open Path Gas Detector Alignment Overview Video now available! This six minute video was professionally created to walk users through the successive steps for aligning the Ultima OPIR-5 Open Path Infrared Detector.
Video Tips for successful alignment include:
- CLEAR: Ensuring no obstructions are present between source and receiver. Also making sure no background gas is present.
- MEASURE: Determining distance between source and receiver to find AJ value.
- START AT SOURCE: Make adjustments as needed to ensure proper alignment.
- FINISH AT RECEIVER: Repeat same procedure for the receiver end.
The video provides guidance on how to ensure the unit is working properly. Since the functionality of the Ultima OPIR-5 Open Path Infrared Detector relies on the accuracy of the alignment, this video is essential to those who are responsible for precise monitoring of methane, propane, and other combustible gases.
For reference and a short overview of this process, Alignment Guide -- Ultima OPIR-5 Detector (Bulletin ID 0782-09) is also available on MSA's Asset Library. If you have any questions, please contact your Sales Representative, visit MSAGasDetection.com or call 800-MSA-INST.