"Too Much Hearing Protection Can Put Workers at Risk" Article Featured in ISHN
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing

About the Article: A common mistake in hearing protection is overprotecting. What does this mean? The highest possible protection is not always the best solution especially when it could potentially obstruct important noises such as alarms, warnings, and other employees. This article discusses these details and stresses the importance of evaluating particular work environments before making your hearing protection selection.
About ISHN: Industrial Safety & Hygiene News (ISHN) is a business-to-business monthly trade publication targeted to 71,400 key safety, health and industrial hygiene buying influencers at manufacturing facilities of all sizes.
"Too Much Hearing Protection Can Put Workers at Risk" was written by Ashley Gaworski, Product Line Manager -- Industrial Head Protection, Accessories, Hearing & Communications and Trish Luedtke, North America Integrated Marketing Manager, MSA.

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