Ad Age Names MSA Among Top B-to-B Best Award Winners for 2015!
Supplied-Air Respirators
Portable Gas Detection
Fire Helmets
Thermal Imaging Cameras
General/Company Information
Way to go!
Advertising Age (Ad Age) recently awarded MSA the top B-to-B winner of not one, but TWO print media categories for the "The Fire Inside" Campaign. Ad Age is recognized as the leading global source of news, analysis and inspiration for the marketing and media community. Ad Age votes annually on the finest work across all media within many categories. Here are the MSA winning ads:

Award Category: Print campaign less than $200K
Agency: Smith Brothers
Campaign: "The Fire Inside"
A blend of stark but beautiful photography of working firemen and powerful testimonials from them created a campaign for MSA's Fire Service division that would likely make anyone flipping through a magazine take notice.

Award Category: Print single ad
Agency: Smith Brothers
Campaign: "The Fire Inside (Lt. Enhelder)"
The image alone—of smokey and smudged Chicago Fire Department Lieutenant Paul Enhelder—is enough to stop a reader in his tracks. But the testimonial copy—"You can't run into burning buildings if you're always thinking about getting hurt"—really drives the point home for MSA's safety equipment.
Click here to view the top B-to-B winners in all media categories