Skullgard® Protective Cap Saves Twin Brothers
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing
General/Company Information

Twin brothers, Jesse and Josh Jarnigan, were recently injured in a worksite accident when a jib attachment slid off of a forklift, falling 20-ft, and simultaneously hitting both brothers in the head. Fortunately, both workers were wearing MSA Skullgard® Protective Caps and are now recovering from their injuries.
Their mother, Debbie, called to share their story. She simply wanted to thank MSA for making a product that saved her sons’ lives. This past January, MSA invited the family to Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania to meet the workers who manufactured their Skullgard Protective Caps. It was powerful for MSA Associates to see first hand how their work makes a difference in protecting people around the world.
Jesse and Josh are grateful to be alive today thanks to their MSA Skullgard Cap.
Watch their testimonial - click link below: