MSA G1 with TIC Prototype Video Goes Viral!
Supplied-Air Respirators
Air-Purifying Respirators
Portable Gas Detection
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing
Fall Protection
Fire Helmets
Thermal Imaging Cameras
G1 / TIC Video Reaches Millions!
MSA's G1 SCBA made headlines at FDIC for the second year in a row. This year's buzz was created by a cutting-edge prototype -- the G1 SCBA with a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) integrated into the control module.
Fire service blogger Sidewinder Photography's video of the prototype went viral, reaching almost 5 million users and recording over 250,000 views!
Click here to watch the video
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To see photos and more video highlights from FDIC 2015, visit the MSA Fire Facebook page: