ALTAIRĀ® 2X Gas Detector Now Available With Three New Safety Modes!
Portable Gas Detection
Based on feedback from customers around the world, the ALTAIR 2X is now available with three new safety modes:
- Go/No-Go Mode: When Go/No-Go mode is enabled, the device does NOT display a numeric gas reading. Instead, the device displays "OK" unless it enters a gas alarm state. When in gas alarm, the device displays "XXXX". Although the gas exposure data is not displayed, that data is still recorded in the device's data log. Safety managers requested this mode as a means to ensure that workers leave a hazardous environment immediately during an alarm-level exposure, without pausing to interpret the gas reading. This mode is disabled by default.
- Persistent Alarm Mode: When Persistent Alarm Mode is enabled, the device's red alarm LEDs continue to flash following a cleared gas alarm. The LEDs must be deactivated via an IR communication with MSA Link or with the MSA GALAXY® GX2 Automated Test Stand. Safety managers requested this mode as a means to ensure greater accountability/reporting around alarm-level gas exposures. This mode is disabled by default.
- Motion Alert Mode: When Motion Alert mode is enabled, the device enters pre-alarm when no motion is detected for 20 seconds. This condition can be cleared by moving the device. After 30 seconds of inactivity, the full Motion Alert alarm is triggered. This alarm can only be cleared by pressing the button. This mode is disabled by default. NOTE: When Motion Alert is enabled, it is not possible to enable Sleep mode (and vice versa).

To order, select the associated option from the "Custom Feature" list on the ALTAIR 2X ATO. To upgrade existing units to the latest firmware (v1.07) in order to take advantage of these new modes, contact MSA Repair & Service. If you have any questions contact MSA Customer Service 1-800-672-2222.