Introducing MSA Latchways Mini Personal Fall Limiter -- Your Compact Solution for Close Anchorage
Fall Protection

Introducing the most compact and lightweight self-retracting lanyard ever developed! The Latchways Mini Personal Fall Limiter (PFL) uses multiple spring radial energy-absorbing technology to eliminate the need for an external energy-absorber outside the housing making it the smallest SRL on the market.
The Latchways Mini PFL has a highly durable polycarbonate, clear casing which allows for easy visual inspection of the critical internal components. It also provides a fully rotating attachment point, both 360° and 180° for complete user mobility. Suitable for use in multiple work applications for industries such as construction, general industry, utilities, and oil/gas, the Latchways Mini PFL will be your choice for environments where close anchorage is available.

For more information including features, tested standards, available connectors, and ordering information, see MSA Latchways Mini Personal Fall Limiter Bulletin or visit