Introducing the New MSA G1 SCBA Remote Quick-FillĀ® System!
Supplied-Air Respirators
When one minute is too long... Get the MSA G1 SCBA Remote-Mounted Quick-Fill System!

The MSA G1 SCBA Remote-Mounted Quick-Fill System is the only front-mounted NIOSH approved and NFPA compliant system for recharging cylinders! This unique system rapidly recharges cylinders without the need to doff the SCBA, even in Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) enviornments.¹
See our new bulletin MSA G1 Remote Quick-Fill System for details, notable features, and ordering information.
For additional information, contact MSA Customer Service 1-800-672-2222 or visit our website
¹ IDLH refers to an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual's ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere OSHA 1910.134(b).