NFPA 1982 Tentative Interim Announcement: New PASS Alarm Sound Pattern
Supplied-Air Respirators

The 2013 edition of NFPA 1982 instituted a standard PASS alarm sound for all PASS devices. This was aimed at improving firefighter safety and interoperability on the fire ground. Following the release of this new sound pattern, the NFPA Committee began hearing comments from firefighters that the new standard alarm sound was harder to hear than older versions.
To answer the demands of the fire service, a more effective sound pattern has since been identified and incorporated into a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA). The new universal PASS alarm tone was designed to be more recognizable to the ear, aid in determining the directionality of the sound, and override the traditional "din" of the fire ground, ultimately improving the response time to a downed firefighter.
Effective December 21st 2016, all new MSA SCBA shipped from our Murrysville, Pennsylvania facility will have the new sound pattern activated. While the TIA does not impact the certification of SCBA units currently in use in the field, MSA believes this new tone pattern will greatly enhance firefighter safety and strongly recommends updating.
To encourage this process, MSA is making the new PASS alarm tone available free of charge to current G1 SCBA customers through a simple software update! This update proves, yet again, the value that the MSA G1 SCBA delivers to its user by allowing easy and efficient implementation of the latest in standards and technological advancements. Here are a few other examples:
We are proud to say the MSA G1 SCBA works with you today and will continue to work for you far into the future. To update your MSA G1 SCBA or for more information on NFPA 1982 TIA, please visit
NFPA 1982 Tentative Interim Amendment Announcement from MSA