Safety Advisory: Loose High Pressure Relief Valves - G1 SCBA & RIT System
Supplied-Air Respirators
MSA is issuing the attached Safety Advisory in response to reports from two fire departments of loose high pressure relief valves that resulted in loss of air. Our investigation into these reports indicates that high pressure relief valves torqued to the original factory specification can become loose after repeated pressurizations.
Please review the following important information in order to prevent this potential condition. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Service required on affected SCBA & RIT Systems:
Service is required to re-torque the high pressure relief valve on all 4500 psig G1 SCBA with a manufacturing date code before ‘5016’ (50th week of 2016) and also on SCBA and RIT Systems with no date code. If the SCBA date code is present, it is marked on the hand wheel assembly as shown on the attached Safety Advisory. The service must be performed by an MSA certified CARE Technician and will be free of charge. The 2216 psig SCBA and RIT Systems do not require this service.
Please contact your local MSA Fire Service Distributor to arrange for this re-torqueing service as soon as possible. If you have an MSA certified CARE Technician on staff, they may perform this service. For identification purposes, SCBA serviced to re-torque the relief valve will be marked with a center punch on the hand wheel manifold as shown on the attached. A similar mark will identify RIT Systems. New production will not have the punch mark.
Use of SCBA and RIT Systems before being serviced:
MSA determined that if the relief valve is at least hand tight before pressurizing the system, it will remain sealed during use, as the pressure will prevent it from loosening. In addition, if the relief valve is loose when opening the cylinder valve, the noise produced from the leaking air would be readily noticeable. Therefore, the user would be alerted to a leaking relief valve before use.
In order to enable use of SCBA and RIT Systems before the re-torqueing service occurs, we recommend that users perform the following inspection before each use:
- With the SCBA/RIT System cylinder valve closed and system relieved of pressure; grasp the relief valve with a non-gloved hand (no tools).
- Using maximum effort, attempt to tighten the relief valve by turning it clockwise.
- Open cylinder valve and listen for air leakage. If air leakage occurs, the noise will be readily detectable. If no leakage occurs, the SCBA/RIT System may be used. If leakage occurs, repeat the above procedure until no leakage occurs or remove the SCBA/RIT System from service.
Discontinue performing the above procedure after the relief valve is re-torqued by an MSA certified CARE Technician.
MSA Customer Service Contact Information:
If you have any questions regarding this Safety Advisory, please contact MSA Customer Service as follows:
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience that this situation may cause; however, your safety and continued satisfaction with our products is most important to us.
Best regards,

Charles J. Seibel, Jr.
Manager of Product Safety
Safety Advisory: G1 SCBA & RIT System - High Pressure Relief Valve