Safety Advisory: Super-V Protective Cap – CSA Type II
Head, Eye, Face and Hearing
MSA recently determined that Super-V Protective Caps may not comply with the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) penetration performance requirement for a Type II (top and lateral) protective helmet if subjected to a lateral penetration in a room temperature, or elevated temperature condition. This affects all Super-V Caps manufactured before April, 2017.
As a result of this condition, MSA is voluntarily recalling all Super-V helmets placed in service over the past five years from April 2012 to April 2017. Super-V helmets placed in service before April 2012 exceed MSA’s recommended useful life (more than five years), as stated in the user instructions, and should be discarded.
MSA is working to rectify this performance condition and consequently, replacement Super-V helmets are not available at this time. However, in the interim, we will provide the Vanguard™ Lateral Protective Cap, Type II as a replacement and free of charge. We expect to complete the necessary design modifications and have updated Super-V helmets available by the 3rd quarter of this year. At that time, MSA will discontinue providing Vanguard Caps as free replacements and will begin providing the updated Super-V helmet for any remaining Super-V helmets with less than five years of service. MSA will discontinue providing any free replacement helmets on December 31, 2017.
Please note that the ability of the current Super-V helmet to meet the CSA requirements for lateral penetration at cold temperatures, as well as impact attenuation, electrical insulation, and top penetration is not affected. Also not affected is the helmets’ ability to meet all American National Standards Association (ANSI) performance requirements for a Type I (top protective) helmet.
Identifying Affected Helmets:
To identify affected helmets, check the label inside the helmet to confirm that it is a Super-V Protective helmet. The date of manufacture is molded on the underside of the helmet brim, which should be used if the actual date placed in service is unknown. See the images on the attached Safety Advisory.
Obtaining Replacement Helmets and Returning Super-V Helmets:
To obtain replacement Vanguard helmets or updated Super-V helmets when available, please complete the attached End User Return/Replacement Helmet Order Form on page three of the Safety Advisory and email it to MSA Customer Service. If the affected helmets originally purchased included a customized logo, please provide the original logo order number and we will apply the logo to the replacement helmets. Replacement helmets will be shipped to you and we will forward instructions for returning the affected Super-V helmets.
MSA Customer Service Contact Information:
If you have any questions regarding this Safety Advisory, please contact MSA Customer Service as follows:
We apologize for any inconvenience that this situation may cause; however, your safety and continued satisfaction with our products is most important to us.
Best regards,

R. Anne Herman
Vice President, Global Operational Excellence and Chief Customer Officer
Safety Advisory with Return/Replacement Helmet Order Form