Discontinuation Notice: Select Fire Helmet Goggles
Fire Helmets
MSA has experienced supply chain disruption from our goggle supplier which has, in turn, created delayed shipments for fire helmet ensembles with goggles. While MSA is closely managing our supplier, it has proven difficult to get to an acceptable level of inventory to service the needs of our customers in a timely manner.
To help ease this situation, we are discontinuing three goggles as of June 5th, 2017 both as packaged parts and ATO options. Additionally, related replacement parts will also be discontinued. The affected goggles include:
- InnerZone 1 (IZ1)
- S552
- Striketeam XTO
For ATO's where S552 is an option, InnerZone 3 (IZ3) is the default choice. The ATO cost for the IZ3 only will be reduced to match the price for the S552 so customers are not adversely affected. This is a TEMPORARY reduction effective June 5th through December 31st, 2017 to help ensure customer satisfaction. However, if a customer selects InnerZone 2 (IZ2) in lieu of S552, there is no price reduction.
S550, IZ2, and IZ3 will remain as ATO and packaged options. The ATO prices for S550 and IZ2, as well as ANY packaged part price will not be affected. As stated above, the ATO price for the IZ3 will be reduced temporarily.
Please reference the chart below for details on discontinued products and replacement options (where available):

For additional questions, please contact MSA Customer Service 1-877-MSA-FIRE.