Safety Notice: OptimAir® TL OV/AG Cartridge
Air-Purifying Respirators
MSA is issuing the attached Safety Notice to inform you of a potential issue regarding OptimAir TL OV/AG Cartridges (part numbers 10143422 for individual and 10080454 for 6-pack box). Although low in frequency of occurrence in field use and during in-house testing, MSA has become aware of a situation with the spin weld joint between the particulate filter housing and the carbon bed housing of the cartridge. In these cases, the cartridge will continue to provide gas filtration, but may not meet the P100 requirements for particulate and mist filtration.
The potentially affected cartridges are those in lots 88 and 89, which were manufactured between November 15, 2016 and December 20, 2016. Corrective actions have been implemented at our manufacturing facility to address the issue. Additionally, procedures are in place to inspect and test potentially affected product.
Identifying Potentially Affected Cartridges:
- For individual filters: Check individual package for lot number 88 or 89 which indicates a potentially affected cartridge.
- For 6-pack box: Check part number and expiration date. A part number of 10080454 along with an expiration date of 1121 or 1221 indicate potentially affected cartridges.
- A blue dot on the individual cartridge package or on a 6-pack box of cartridges is an indication that the potentially affected cartridges have passed re-inspection and testing. These cartridges are acceptable for use and are not subject to the return and replacement actions of this notice.
See the attached Safety Notice for diagram examples on where to find the information referenced above.
Returning Cartridges and Obtaining Replacement Cartridges:
We recognize that this is an inconvenience and in an effort to minimize disruption, we pledge to make this return and replacement process as expeditious as possible.
If you are in possession of potentially affected cartridges based on the criteria above, remove them from service. Complete the attached Cartridge Return/Replacement Form and email it to Service and Repair at the appropriate email address below. MSA will then send shipping instructions and a shipping label to return the potentially affected cartridges.
Upon receipt, MSA will inspect and test your potentially affected cartridges. Those that pass inspection and testing will be marked with a blue dot as described above and placed back into stock. Your returned cartridges will be replaced from stock.
MSA Customer Service Contact Information:
If you have questions regarding this Safety Notice, please contact MSA Repair and Service Department as follows:
We apologize for any inconvenience that this situation may cause; however, your safety and continued satisfaction with our products is most important to us.
Best regards,

Nathan Andrulonis
Manager of Product Safety
OptimAir TL OV/AG Cartridge Safety Notice & Return/Replacement Form