Now Available! NFPA-Compliant Bourkes Eye Shield for MSA CairnsĀ® Fire Helmets
Fire Helmets
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Since the 1960s, no other fire helmet manufacturer has done the Bourkes Eye Shield like MSA Cairns. We're at it again—we are pleased to announce the new NFPA-compliant Bourkes for MSA Cairns Fire Helmets!
Made from the same high-heat and impact-resistant material found in our Tuffshield eye protection products, the NFPA-compliant Bourkes Eye Shield features increased coverage to help ensure compliance with both NFPA-1971:2018 and ANSI/ISEA Z87.1:2015. The new NFPA-compliant Bourkes Eye Shield is certified to be worn without other eye/face protection (as prescribed in NFPA-1971), or it can be used as a secondary eye protection with a Defender Visor or compliant MSA Goggles.
In addition to being configured on new MSA Cairns 1010, 1044, or 880 Tradition Fire Helmets, the NFPA-compliant Bourkes Eye Shield may be retrofit to these fire helmet models currently in service¹. MSA has two part-numbered kits available:
- 10189839: NFPA-compliant Bourkes Kit, five-pack, list price = $471.95
- 10186311: NFPA-compliant Bourkes Kit, single-pack, list price = $98.39
Save $20 off list price when you order the five-pack!
As part of this recent announcement, MSA has made significant updates to the Cairns Traditional Helmet Assemble-To-Order (TRD ATO) Matrix. These updates simplify the ATO making it easier to order MSA Cairns 1010, 1044, and 880 Tradition Fire Helmet model options. Updated ATO Matrices are also available for download on WebDAM.
Additional supporting collateral materials for this launch include: