NFPA-1971:2018 Certifications for Fire Helmets Status Update
Fire Helmets
General/Company Information

Last month, MSA announced the launch of the new NFPA-compliant Bourkes for MSA Cairns® 1010, 1044, and 880 Tradition Fire Helmets. This announcement included information that these models are compliant to NFPA-1971:2018 - Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting.
We now have certification on the MSA Cairns 660C Metro & 664 Invader Fire Helmet models, and anticipate that our entire portfolio of MSA Cairns Fire Helmets will be compliant to the 2018 edition of NFPA-1971 by the end of February, 2018*.
As we attain certifications of compliance, we will update our websites and collateral material accordingly. We will also continue to communicate these important announcements with you via our monthly Advisor publications. In the meantime, please contact your local Sales Manager or MSA Customer Service if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support in making MSA Cairns the #1 brand of Fire Helmets in North America!
* The only exception to this timeline is the Houston N6A Leather Fire Helmet; we expect certification of this model in Q2 of 2018.