Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monitoring Now Available with ULTIMA® X5000 XIR PLUS
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection

MSA is pleased to announce that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is now a detectable gas for the ULTIMA X5000 XIR PLUS. The ULTIMA XIR PLUS is the infrared point detector that is used with the breakthrough ULTIMA X5000 gas monitor. Now workers will be able to monitor for CO2 using the latest technology available including touchscreen interface, OLED display, dual sensing technology, and Bluetooth communications.
Carbon dioxide is an inexpensive and versatile gas that is nonflammable and fairly innocuous, however leaks can be dangerous. Exposure to atmospheric concentrations above 5,000 ppm is considered unhealthy, making careful monitoring crucial at lower levels. Atmospheric concentrations at 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel drowsy while concentrations of 7% and higher can lead to symptoms including dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness. Carbon Dioxide is used in diverse applications from beverage carbonation to enhanced oil recovery techniques.
Updated X5000 brochures and data sheets have been updated and are available on For more information, contact MSA Customer Service 1-800-672-4678.