Discontinuation Notice: Custom Air V® Escape Respirator
Air-Purifying Respirators
Effective December 31st, 2019, MSA's Custom Air V Escape Respirator will be discontinued. MSA will provide field support up to five years or until component and accessory parts are available. MSA's TransAire® 5/10 Escape Respirator will serve as a suitable alternative.

As MSA works to introduce new product innovations and expand service offerings, product performance and market needs are frequently evaluated. With this thinking in mind, a decision has been made to discontinue MSA's Custom Air V Escape Respirator together with related accessories as of December 31, 2019.
Users requiring emergency escape respirator replacement product may consider the TransAire 5/10 Escape Respirator series as an alternative. As is standard with respiratory product lifecycle management, MSA will continue product field support for up to five years, or as component and accessory parts availability allows.
For further information, please contact MSA Customer Service 1-800-672-2222.