ALTAIR® 4X Multigas Detector Offers New XCell™ Sensor Technology
Portable Gas Detection
MSA’s ALTAIR 4X Multigas Detector with new MSA XCell Sensor Technology offers many performance advantages: faster response time, four-year sensor life, increased stability, and less than 60-second calibration time.
The ALTAIR 4X Multigas Detector operates with only MSA XCell
Sensors for combustible gases, O2, two-toxic H2S/CO. The ALTAIR 4X MultigasDetector is compatible with the ALTAIR 4 QuickCheck® Station
and the ALTAIR 4 Galaxy® Test Stand, and provides exclusive optional MotionAlertTM
and InstantAlertTM features.
For more information, visit
for ALTAIR 4X Multigas Detector brochure #0802-50,
and additional information.