New QR Code Technology Transforms Traditional MSA Print Ads into Interactive Experiences
General/Company Information
Most MSA print ads are now including a QR code enabling users to easily connect to online product content with their phone.
What is a QR code?
A QR Code is a two-dimensional code that is readable by QR scanners, mobile phones with cameras, and smartphones. The code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on white background. The information encoded can be text, URL or other data.
How are we using QR codes?
We're primarily using the codes for connecting users to MSA Web content. So far, we've incorporated QR codes on print ads that deliver video content that is relevant to the advertised product/product family.
Who can use QR codes?
Anyone with a web-enabled mobile phone. The Droid and the newest BlackBerry come with a built-in barcode scanner. Users of other technology can simply download an application to scan the code by browsing to from their mobile phone.