Easier Calibration for Remote Sensors
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
Introducing the new CalGard Remote Calibration Adapter (RCA) designed to calibrate remote sensors for the ULTIMA® X5000/General Monitors S5000 from a safe and convenient location.

Testing and calibration of gas detection sensors that are installed in difficult to access locations creates challenges for facility operators and their maintenance technicians. Sensors installed in these locations may require specialized equipment to access the sensor and subject maintenance workers to unnecessary risk.
MSA is pleased to announce the release of the new CalGard Remote Calibration Adapter (RCA) for the ULTIMA X5000 and General Monitors S5000 digital gas sensors. The CalGard RCA is a stainless-steel accessory that enables accurate calibration of remote sensors from a safe and convenient location. It permits the user to complete their function tests (“bump tests”) and calibrations without the need for directly accessing the sensor and greatly simplifies gas detector maintenance.
For more information, see CalGard Remote Calibration Adapter.