MSA XCell® Sensor Testing Update
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
MSA is excited to share that over 3 years of successful testing has transpired on MSA's breakthrough XCell toxic gas sensors. We are proud to report that the accuracy and T90 response time has performed flawlessly even without calibration and with constant exposure to the elements. Read the article for the full report!

We have now reached 1200 days of testing of MSA’s breakthrough XCell Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensors for the ULTIMA® X5000 and General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitors!
These sensors have been installed on the roof of MSA’s manufacturing facility in Western Pennsylvania and exposed to all the elements – hot, cold, rain, snow, sun, wind, humid, and dry!
Each of these sensors, sixteen H2S sensors and fourteen CO sensors, were calibrated prior to installation and have been intermittently gas tested to verify response and the results have been recorded. No calibrations have been conducted on any of these sensors for over 3 years! Adaptive Environmental Compensation (AEC) has been testing the sensor every six hours and adjusting sensor response to account for changes in sensor response due to environmental conditions and sensor degradation.
Even after three years of exposure to the elements and no calibrations, each and every one of these thirty sensors are still performing accurately, even meeting the stringent ISA performance requirements for toxic gas detection.
In addition to the accuracy testing, MSA has also measured the T90 response time of each sensor. The T90 time is the time taken for each sensor to reach 90% of the gas concentration applied. Even after three years without any calibration or maintenance, the H2S sensors T90 time is still less than 30 seconds and the CO sensors T90 times are less than 10 seconds. Now that’s performance you can count on!
Read here for complete report of XCell Sensor Test Data