Updated Bulletin Available: Chemgard® Monitor for JP-8 Monitoring
Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
The MSA Chemgard Monitor for JP-8 monitoring inside pump/filter houses uses a 4-point instrument calibrated with hexane.

This monitoring solution uses a 0-1% (10,000 ppm) Chemgard Photoacoustic Infrared Gas Monitor with the sensitivity and stability required to provide reliable protection at the desired ppm levels. The unit is sensitized to detect the major hydrocarbon vapors found in the jet fuel, providing early indication of pipe and valve leaks in the pump house.
This system can be tied to alarms/relays that turn on exhaust fans at 250-300 ppm. Such controlled ventilation can help assure safe entry into the pump house as well as preclude the accumulation of vapors to an explosive level. An additional alarm can be used to remotely indicate a major leak approaching or exceeding the lower explosive limit.
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