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TruCal Diffusion Supervision Sensors Receive FM Approval
  • Fixed Gas & Flame Detection Fixed Gas & Flame Detection
TruCal H2S and CO Diffusion Supervision Sensors join the growing list of FM Approved sensors for the X/S5000 Gas Monitors.

As an extension of the FM approvals received last year for the Ultima X5000 and General Monitors S5000, we are pleased to announce that the TruCal Diffusion Supervision sensors for Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Monoxide have received FM approval.

The TruCal Diffusion Supervision sensors extend calibration intervals to an unprecedented 2-year interval saving customers time, resources and money. They join the originally released sensors that also have FM approval – combustible (catalytic bead and point IR detectors), oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide (non-diffusion supervision versions).