Update to Certified Airmask Repair Education (C.A.R.E.) web site
Supplied-Air Respirators
General/Company Information
You will see we have added a new look, some exciting new and easy to navigate features, and a functionality that's now completely integrated with the MSA corporate web site.

A new Home page with easy to read information on the CARE program, classes, and requirements
Course numbers for each class offering
Current and archived PIN's and manuals
Schedules with course number references
New on-line registration with drop down menu selections
A new North American printable registration form with interactive fields
Make sure you take a look to familiarize yourself with this new site. You will find it is in the same location on our corporate web site, under RESOURCES, but the http address has changed.
http://ca.msasafety.com/training/CARE - Canada
http://us.msasafety.com/training/CARE - U.S.